I do, however, think we are so obsessed with voicing out our anger and frustration immediately after tragedies that we forget about what we are saying. That naively and subconsciously we use language in a way that to some might seem passionate and motivational but really is just desperate and in some ways worthless.
Now some of you will be thinking 'ahh here we go, English student telling us how to speak properly' and I would totally think the same if I were you.
Sydney Opera House emblazoned with the French Flag |
This, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly the intention of the bastards who think it is appropriate to kill and slaughter in the name of religion. A religion that is followed by many lovely, friendly and wonderful people that I have had the pleasure in meeting.
I cannot be arsed to try and argue why Islam is not a bad religion and why muslims are normal thinking individuals. Mainly because those who will agree with me would already have known this and secondly, and more importantly, that you cannot educate the ignorant by shouting words at them.
Those who hate muslims or are considered to be 'islamophobic' are simply the victims of incomprehension and not had the opportunity to become friends or at least associates with a follower of Islam. It is only then that they will realise that they are exactly the same people as christians, sikhs, hindus, buddhists, atheists etc. All that is different is that they believe in a different god and different ideology. They still wish to say hello and have a chat, crack a joke or be happy. Funnily enough I have not sat down with a muslim and had them shout at me the ins-and-outs of sharia law and why I should hala meat. I'm sure there are those who do do this but I also have atheists who tell me I shouldn't drink and should lose weight. What's the difference?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should acknowledge that things are far from perfect but it's like that all over the world. Drought and famine ravages some countries. Disease plagues others. The western world's cancer is extremism.
What we can't do is add stupidity and disgust against individuals. We have more control than those born into poverty and disease. Let us, at least, consider what we say before we say it and try to educate the ignorant before we implode against each other.
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