
Friday, 13 May 2016

University; 3 years well spent!

Oh, bugger!

Without any awareness of time ticking away in the background of the student bar, the rugby field or the library, 3 years of brilliant university life has come to an abrupt and shocking end.

I remember being accepted into uni with the teary-eyed parents ringing up all family members, expressing their delight that their eldest had made it into higher education.

I remember on the first day saying hello to some bloke in halls of residence within an hour of moving in, trying to understand his peculiar accent which I soon discovered to be of the Mancunian race.

I remember when I first met a peculiar looking bloke wearing a YOLO t-shirt, thinking he was probably a bit 'off'. Turns out he was a bit odd but he turned out to be one of my best mates later on.

I remember meeting another individual who had an accent closer to Klingon than English. She tried explaining where we were going to venture out to later on that evening but I had to get someone else to translate. It turned out she was from Barnsley, or in her tongue Barrrnslaaaay, and she also turned out to be one of my best mates later on.

And of course there were others too who if I have not mentioned in the post, don't despair, you know who you are! I haven't forgotten about you; The Dickhead of Donny, The Girlfriend Befriender, The Gear but No Idea Pilot, M-Forehead, Irish Matt, Cahomeh, Billy No-Nickname, Chinese Sam, Ronnie, Dickhead of Donny's carer, and Burger N..., actually, we'll leave that one.

But now, I'm sat in a coffee shop in Brighton, a million miles away from my beloved dump of a city, Coventry. The sun's out, I'm drinking perhaps the best latte on the planet, I'm with my mates from back home, but still I feel this knot in my stomach.

It's a reminder that no matter how much I try, those three years will never come back.

It feels like that no matter how hot this summer becomes, no matter how good my yet-to-get job will become, the delight of university will never be there once more.

For any of you wondering what university is or what it can be, take this one sentence summary below as a good guide:

It's where you discover people you'd never usually meet, learn things more than just academic, grow up quicker than any other time in your life, and all while drifting between hangovers, deadlines, and making £20 pay for a week's food and a night out. 

All in all, it's bloody brilliant and I feel as if I'm mourning its passing.

I would do anything to go back to my first night out, jumping up and down at the price of jager bombs; 2 for £5. I would do anything to go back to my first rugby social which, as far as I know, ended up with myself acting like a right tit, trying to impress a load of older rugby lads. I would do anything to go back to meeting my girlfriend in a club on a Saturday night which, if you don't know already, you never do as student. You never socialise with the locals of your student city, they won't like you and you probably won't like them.

To be honest, university is like making an elastic-band ball. It will start off as something exciting and easy to make. Each band will go on as quickly as the seconds go by. But slowly, as second and third year comes around, the ball will get bigger and more difficult to make. Each band will need more stretching and when you're near the end of university and finishing of your dissertation, you feel like your bands will snap. But they won't and you'll finish uni with a ball created by thousands of memories, some smaller than others but all as important as each other.

I guess what I'm saying is that if you're a first year or even a second year, just appreciate every second you have in that environment. Don't regret anything you do and work bloody hard. Appreciate it's not forever and that you won't be living with those group of mates for very long.

Go to university with the highest hopes and you'll leave it knowing those hopes weren't high enough.

And to all the people who I became mates with during university, thank you. It was bloody brilliant!

Posh Boy x

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